Jazz L.S Ministries

Welcome JLS Ministries!

No matter how you see yourself, your assignment, your gifting, remember, your destiny is always Bigger Than You!


About our Founder

Jasmine was born and raised in Chicago IL in a single parent home with her Mother and 2 siblings. Raised in church all her life amongst preachers that proceeded her. Jasmine always had an interest in the things of God as early as 5 years old she says, “It’s as if I knew what the preacher was preaching, I understood it”. As early as 8 years old the lord personally dealt with Jasmine giving her prophetic dreams and visions…..

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Empowering Generations to Walk Through The Doors of Deliverance!

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Jazz LS Ministries Presents

Bigger Than Me

Bigger Than Me Ministries is designed to  welcome the non-believer & to challenge the typical church going believer out of their routines, and to expand their thinking and perspectives to understand that going to your local church is bare minimum, that we are to live a life of service and servitude , Christ should be demonstrated in our everyday lives & not just on Sunday, through the way we live, give, extend ourselves to others, how we love, how we show up in the world today!……


Partner With Us

Do you desire to see the body of Christ changed and impacted through a powerful and life giving ministry? We encourage you to consider partnering with us today here at JLS Ministries. We will see the Glory of God prevail!

Contact us, we’d love to hear from you.